Thursday 24 February 2011

Gift Box

I have bought lots of the Hobbycraft little cardboard boxes over the years and keep meaning to decorate them but never seem to get round to it so I thought I would have a little experiment with one of them this evening.

I roughly stamped on yellow and orange all over the box so it had a nice slightly dappled effect and then covered it in holographic embossing powder and heat gunned it to emboss it.  I love the effect it has given, reminds me slightly of goldfish!!

I initially tried just stamping an image on the lid but the middle section of the stamp didn't press down and make contact.  Then when I tried to re-do it I didn't manage to get the stamp lined up properly with the first attempt so it came out looking blurred and naff :0(  So I decided to cover it up by making an overlay for the top to cover up my mistake!  I used the same yellow and orange ink to make the dabbled effect base on a piece of paper, stamped on the image and then used ultra thick embossing powder with a bit of holographic powder sprinkled on top so when it was heat gunned it had a nice smooth shiny texture to it, it almost has a plastic kind of feel to it and definitely doesn't look like paper now......

...I cut it to size and then stuck it on with PVA glue.  So there we have a rather shiny, sparkley box for a very special friend.  I do have a photo of whats inside but I will add that after their birthday so I don't ruin the surprise for them as I know they look at this blog sometimes ;0) I hope you like it xx

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