Sunday 6 March 2011

Felt Balls and Flamenco

have made some more felt balls today.  You start with a small amount of fleece fibre and roll it into a ball and slowly add more fibers to build it up so you get a nice marbled effect...

...once you have got them to the size you want you need to spray them with water and put some Olive Oil Soap on your hands and rub them round and round so the fibres join together. Then you need to put each ball separately in a pair of old tights and ties knots between so they stay separate.  Heres my balls in tights, mum with hers and Pauline tying hers up...

We had a good bucket full between us.  Then you put them in the washing machine on a hot wash with a pair of jeans so they shrink down and felt and then you end up with mini balls of felt that you can turn into beads or you can cut them up too so you can see the pattern of the fibres all mixed together

I think I might need a bit more practice though as some of my balls came out like mushroom tops as I didnt add enough fibres to them!!
I have also been working on my flamenco scarf and have now run out of wool!!  Doh!  I want it just a little bit longer so I need to go buy another ball.  Its looking cool so far though!!

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