Sunday 3 July 2011

Weekend of doodling and colouring

I have just spent a blissful weekend creating a doodle and spending time colouring that and my friends doodle book together xx

This is a doodle that I drew for us....

 One was coloured by me and one was coloured by my friend...can you guess which is which?


This one was from her doodle book which we didnt get a chance to finish....nothing like a grown up weekend of colouring in!!

Ive been playing with my henna :0D

This one means Geisha but it needs rotating!!

This one is just a tribal twirly that also needs rotating!

Wednesday 29 June 2011

New looooom :0)

My mum and dad bought me a new inkle loom. I have threaded up the warp so its all ready to weave a bag strap

Friday 10 June 2011

Weaving Picasso Bag

I have been carrying on with weaving the bag with Picasso Yarn. Have been playing at reversing the weaving pattern at the midway points...

I have finished this one but have enough warp on the loom to make another so think I will use the black picasso yarn with pink streaks and see how that one comes out.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Swirly Dangles

I started these yesterday.  Need more silver chain before I can finish them completely but Beads Unlimited are currently out of stock.....Eeeeeek!!